The project "Global Database of Borehole Temperatures and Climate
Reconstructions" has as its goal the assembly, analysis, and
interpretation of borehole temperatures relevant to understanding
the nature and causes of recent climate change. It was inititated
by the International Heat Flow Commission of IASPEI, and implemented
by the Geothermal Laboratory of the University of Michigan with
support from the US NSF.
Contributors to this database include: A. Frasheri (Albania);
J. Cull (Australia); V.M. Hamza (Brazil); V. Zui (Belarus);
A.M. Jessop, J. Majorowicz, J-C Mareschal, K. Wang (Canada);
M. Chen, S. Hu, S. Shen, L. Xiong, J.-A. Wang, J.-Y. Wang (China);
V. Cermak, J. Safanda (Czech Republic); I. Kukkonen (Finland);
C. Clauser (Germany); S. Roy (India);
A. Brock (Ireland); M. Verdoya (Italy); M. Taniguchi (Japan);
S.S. Marchenko (Kazakhstan); S. Veliciu (Romania); S. Berkovchenko,
R. Dorofeeva, D.Y. Demezhko, A.D. Duchkov, I. Golovanova, I. Klimovsky,
A.A. Vasiliev (Russia); M.Q.W. Jones (South Africa);
R. Kutas (Ukraine); K.E. Rollin (United Kingdom);
D.S. Chapman, E.R. Decker, W.D. Gosnold,
R.N. Harris, A.A. Nyblade, H.N. Pollack (United States).