Borehole Site: UA-LysajaGora5008
Data Contact: R. Kutas (UA)

Date of measurement (year): 1971
Estimated prior steady state GST (°C): 10.40
Estimated mean conductivity (W m-1 K-1): 2.50
Estimated mean thermal gradient (K km-1): 12.00

Depth Below Surface (m)   Temperature (°C)

63.00 11.57 83.00 11.75 103.00 11.94 123.00 12.08 143.00 12.35 163.00 12.57 183.00 12.80 203.00 13.06 223.00 13.31 243.00 13.54 263.00 13.74 283.00 14.00 303.00 14.28 323.00 14.52 335.00 14.69

NOTE: The data listed above are the actual data we used in the reconstruction. The original observations may have begun at a shallower depth, or may have extended to a greater depth. Please contact the data contact person for more information about this borehole site.

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