Borehole Site: CA-438-1
Data Contact: K. Wang (CA)

Date of measurement (year): 1987.62
Estimated prior steady state GST (°C): 4.00
Estimated mean conductivity (W m-1 K-1): 3.52
Estimated mean thermal gradient (K km-1): 10.00

Depth Below Surface (m)   Temperature (°C)

20.50 3.32 23.80 3.19 27.10 3.12 30.50 3.08 33.80 3.07 37.10 3.08 40.50 3.11 43.80 3.14 47.10 3.18 50.40 3.21 53.70 3.25 56.90 3.29 60.10 3.33 63.40 3.36 66.70 3.40 69.90 3.43 73.20 3.46 76.50 3.49 79.80 3.53 83.10 3.56 86.30 3.60 89.60 3.63 92.90 3.67 96.20 3.72 99.50 3.75 102.80 3.79 106.10 3.83 109.40 3.87 112.70 3.91 116.10 3.95 119.40 3.99 122.80 4.03 126.10 4.07 129.50 4.11 132.90 4.15 136.30 4.19 139.60 4.22 143.10 4.26 146.50 4.29 149.80 4.33 153.30 4.37 156.70 4.41 160.10 4.45 163.50 4.49 166.90 4.54 170.30 4.58 173.70 4.61 177.10 4.65 180.40 4.69 183.80 4.73 187.20 4.77 190.60 4.81 194.00 4.84 197.40 4.88 200.80 4.91 204.20 4.94 207.60 4.98 211.10 5.02 214.50 5.06 217.90 5.09 221.40 5.13 224.80 5.17 228.20 5.21 231.70 5.25 235.10 5.29 238.50 5.32 242.00 5.36 245.40 5.41 248.90 5.44 252.30 5.48 255.70 5.52 259.20 5.56 262.60 5.60 266.10 5.62 269.50 5.66 273.00 5.70 276.40 5.73 279.90 5.76 283.30 5.80 286.80 5.83 290.20 5.87 293.70 5.91 297.20 5.95 300.60 5.99 304.10 6.03 307.50 6.06 311.00 6.10 314.40 6.14 317.90 6.18 321.40 6.21 324.80 6.24 328.30 6.28 331.70 6.32 335.10 6.35 338.50 6.38 341.90 6.42 345.30 6.46 348.70 6.49 352.10 6.52 355.40 6.56 358.80 6.60 362.20 6.63 365.60 6.67 369.00 6.71 372.40 6.75 375.70 6.79 379.10 6.83 382.50 6.86 385.90 6.90 389.30 6.93 392.60 6.97 396.00 7.00 399.40 7.04 402.80 7.08 406.20 7.11 409.50 7.15 412.90 7.18 416.30 7.22 419.70 7.25 423.10 7.29 426.50 7.32 429.80 7.36 433.20 7.39 436.60 7.43 440.00 7.46 443.40 7.50 446.80 7.54 450.20 7.58 453.60 7.61 457.00 7.64 460.40 7.67 463.80 7.71 467.20 7.74 470.60 7.77 474.00 7.80 477.40 7.84 480.80 7.87 484.20 7.91 487.50 7.95 490.90 7.98 494.30 8.01 497.70 8.04 501.20 8.08 504.60 8.11 508.00 8.14 511.40 8.17 514.80 8.20 518.20 8.23 521.60 8.26 525.00 8.30 528.30 8.33 531.70 8.37 535.10 8.40 538.50 8.44 541.90 8.48 545.30 8.51 548.70 8.54 552.10 8.57 555.50 8.61 559.00 8.64 562.30 8.67 565.80 8.70 569.20 8.74 572.60 8.77 576.00 8.81 579.40 8.84 582.80 8.88 586.20 8.91 589.60 8.95 593.00 8.98 596.40 9.02 599.80 9.05

NOTE: The data listed above are the actual data we used in the reconstruction. The original observations may have begun at a shallower depth, or may have extended to a greater depth. Please contact the data contact person for more information about this borehole site.

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