Borehole Site: CA-298-4
Data Contact: A.M. Jessop (CA)

Date of measurement (year): 1982.78
Estimated prior steady state GST (°C): 7.00
Estimated mean conductivity (W m-1 K-1): 3.18
Estimated mean thermal gradient (K km-1): 8.00

Depth Below Surface (m)   Temperature (°C)

21.60 6.38 25.30 6.56 27.70 6.68 30.80 6.83 33.80 6.94 37.20 7.11 40.50 7.23 43.00 7.29 46.60 7.40 49.70 7.47 52.40 7.53 55.80 7.59 58.80 7.66 61.60 7.71 64.60 7.76 68.00 7.80 71.30 7.84 73.80 7.89 77.40 7.92 80.20 7.96 83.50 8.00 86.30 8.03 89.30 8.06 92.70 8.09 95.40 8.12 98.50 8.14 101.80 8.18 104.50 8.19 107.90 8.21 110.90 8.24 114.30 8.26 117.00 8.29 120.10 8.31 123.10 8.33 126.20 8.35 129.50 8.38 132.30 8.40 135.30 8.42 138.70 8.45 141.70 8.46 144.80 8.49 147.80 8.51 150.90 8.53 154.20 8.55 157.30 8.57 160.30 8.59 163.40 8.60 166.40 8.62 169.50 8.65 172.50 8.67 175.60 8.68 178.60 8.71 181.70 8.73 185.00 8.75 187.50 8.76 191.10 8.79 194.20 8.81 197.20 8.83 200.30 8.85 203.30 8.87 206.30 8.89 209.40 8.91 212.40 8.93 215.50 8.95 218.50 8.98 221.60 9.00 224.90 9.02 227.70 9.04 231.30 9.06 233.80 9.08 237.10 9.10 240.20 9.12 243.50 9.15 246.30 9.17 249.30 9.19 252.40 9.21 255.40 9.23 258.50 9.25 262.10 9.27 264.90 9.29 267.90 9.31 271.00 9.34 274.30 9.37 277.40 9.38 280.10 9.41 283.20 9.42 286.20 9.45 289.30 9.47 292.60 9.49 295.70 9.51 298.70 9.54 301.80 9.56

NOTE: The data listed above are the actual data we used in the reconstruction. The original observations may have begun at a shallower depth, or may have extended to a greater depth. Please contact the data contact person for more information about this borehole site.

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